Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Photography Class

My photography class starts today. It is an online class because with my work schedule I just cannot attend a class with a set schedule. I debated on doing this class but I've talked to several people that have actually taken this class and they really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to it. I'll keep you posted and show you some of the pictures I take along the way. It's only a 6 week class but you have 8 weeks to finish. Sounds like my kind of deal.

And I also started cleaning/organizing my music and pictures on this laptop last night. Yeah I just might finish it by the end of my 1001 days!!! What a mess I have!!!

Now I have to go work on a powerpoint for VBS. My training meeting with the volunteers is next Friday....yeah I'm so "ready" for it.

Might have to go visit Cheese later just to have a laugh. (see previous post for explanation)