This seems fitting to talk about today since I saw Third Day last night. I wanted to do a Third Day 4-fer show weekend. That trip was planned in the Spring and I looked SOOOO forward to it. My husband had a mission trip planned to Morocco on the same week that the Texas/Oklahoma show run was happening. What timing! I could leave and Brian not miss me! I was all about it. So....I flew to Texas and became part of history .....I believe there are only 5 Gomers that have done 4 shows in 4 days. Me, Jamie, Traci, Kendell and Lori. Jamie has done it twice!!! I've posted my show pictures HERE.
Here are some pictures from the RED RIVER ROAD TRIP as we named it... (blogger is being a pain so the pictures are posting in no certain order)
Corrine, me and Dan (nice to see Corrine after MANY years and to finally meet Dan!) Love Miss Jamie!
Sunnie is beautiful inside and out!
Good dinner...better friends!
Bari rocks!
Need some caffeine!!! YXMA....Tai didn't want to play nice (Dallas show)
A whole gaggle of Gomers! (Dallas show)
Me and Mike (the Wired Rep...nice guy!)
Road buddies!!! Stephanie Lee (Mark's wife) ....we should read her BLOG
Lori, Jamie, Nigel and Me (Nigel is Third Day's touring Pastor....AWESOME man! Read his blog HERE)
Me and Cebrina Me and Sylvia and Jason's GOAS
Flashing the bling
Me and Corrine in San Antonio (Out of order...blogger is ate up today) At Cracker Barrel with Lori, Jamie, Ricky (Lori's brother) and Lori's s-i-l...I'm horrible with names...can't remember her name right now). Ricky kept throwing things at us)
On the way to Cracker Barrel...2 thumbs up!
Road trip to Cracker Barrel
"Lori, you suck at pancakes. Let's go to Cracker Barrel"....Ricky Caldwell
Show 3 San Antonio
Ghetto style
Working at the car wash....
Yo yo....3rd show dude
Me and Chance....I think when I first met Chance he was actually shorther than me!
Will the Cowboy be in OKC? Yes we did...
Down with my home girl Lori (Lori rocks if you didn't know that!)
Rolling down the highway.....
Love me some Switchfoot!
David Carr is our HERO!!!! Play that tambourine Wendy!
Lori on the tambourine
Shelly kicks in...
Driving and tambourining (is that a word?)....Jamie rocks
Mike and the girls
Yes the Cowboy did show up in OKC!!!!
SHOW TWO- HOUSTON TEXAS (love this picture!)
SHOW THREE ....SAN ANTONIO TEXAS (David is having issues)
What a wonderful trip I had!!! Memories that will never fade!!! Love to all the people in the pictures!!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thing to Do #62
Posted by SirMax at 7:40 AM
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