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Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Posted by SirMax at 4:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
Thing to do #36 See George Strait
Posted by SirMax at 4:12 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
The Rest of the Story
*Names and places might be omitted due to security issues so pardon the generality*
So after the "ordeal" we had trying to leave Raleigh we headed back to the airport on Thursday. Now here is another cool God moment. Our son Scott was coming to Raleigh on Thursday (yeah he planned to come home while we were out of the country). Well since our plans had been delayed we would actually get to see him. He landed at RDU at 10:30 and our flight was at 11:30. We stood at his gate and he was quite surprised to see us when he got off the plane. We talked for a few minutes and then headed off to our gate-I thought it was rather cool.
Well the plane was delayed again due to issues at JFK (not flying through there anymore if we can help it!). Finally got to JFK. As we were getting settled on the plane at JFK we saw three verbal arguments break out over where people were trying to put their luggage. Whoo hoo! Otherwise the flight was uneventful.
First day there was just settling in and resting (no sleep though-I was up for 37 hours before going to sleep-just can't sleep on a plane). The family we stayed with were wonderful. They have lived in country for about 13 years-amazing. Their son and I hit it off right from the start because he is a big Third Day fan (how about that?). We figured out that we have a friend in common. Brian (a Gomer who lives in KY)has been to see them several times-what a small world! We crashed about 9ish-early day tomorrow.
Tomorrow (April 18)-funny how I feel like I lost a day somewhere! The time difference is only 4 hours ahead though so not too bad. We headed out about 6am with a 7 hour trip ahead of us. The country is about the size of California with mountain roads so it is slow going. The mountains there are just beautiful. There was still snow on some of them. Lunch was a trial -we ate tangines. There are meals cooked in a tangine pot-ours consisted of goat meat, potatoes, peas and bread. You don't use utensils-you pinch off a small piece of bread and use your right thumb and the bread to get your food (no left hands please...they are used for other things!). We needed to learn how to eat this way since all the villagers would be eating in this manner.
We arrived at the Stephen and Niccole's midafternoon. This is the family that our church is going to concentrate on supporting for years to come. They are a sweet, humble family. They have 4 children and have lived in country about 1 year. They are in the process of learning the language (the villagers have their own native language -not the country's language of Arabic).
Stephen works for a company that helps provide wells/water to villages. We got to go along and be a part of a contract deal with a local village. Jenny and I were privileged to sit in on this because women do not usually accompany men on their business affairs. It was very interesting although we didn't understand the language.
The next day was a rest/lazy day. We spent it with Stephen and Niccole and their kids. We went to the Painted Rock park and just played around.
On Monday we went back to Stephen and Niccole's. Stephen took the men and went to hammer out the contract deal. Jenny and I went shopping with Niccole. Then we went to the Neddy. The Neddy is where the local women gather to do crafts and sewing projects. We collected material and yarn from TMBC and brought it to them. They were so excited about getting the stuff. They all gave us hugs and kisses. We then were invited to Huda's house (a friend of Niccole) for cookies and tea. This was a very good day.
On Tuesday we headed back north. We shopped at the Souk (Market) and then paid a visit to a family along the way. We ate lunch with them. We had bread (I gained 5 pounds on this trip from all the bread I ate!), tangine, apples, oranges and POPCORN! I was in the middle of nowhere and I had buttered popcorn! :) We drove to the coast and had dinner with some friends. We left the village life and were now in the tourist section much like home.
On Wednesday we left to drive further north and see more of the coast line. Shopping and rest. On Thursday we shopped more and then went to spend time on the beach. I saw the OTHER side of the Atlantic Ocean.
On Friday we proceeded east where it got much hotter. The temperature was already 97 degrees by the time we got there. Shopping in the Medina (Old City). Got all packed to head home.
On Saturday we left for the good ole USA. No issues until JFK AGAIN! We landed late -does JFK ever have flights that land on time? We barely got on the flight. Our luggage didn't so we got that on Sunday afternoon.
Now for some pictures: This is what most people wear over their clothes
At Stephen and Niccole's house
Brian, Me, Jenny, Stephen, Niccole and their family
Lobby at our first hotel
Everyone has a different door
The village were we had popcorn!
Reminds me of the Shire in the Hobbitt
Stopping for sheep in the road
The view from our friends house! Lunch-fresh sardines
Yep that's a goat head!
I like to take pictures of flowers, trees and shrubs
Painted Rock park
Hidden Mickey!
I love street signs in other countries.
Our first hotel room.
My favorite picture of the trip.
Our second hotel room.
Goats in the trees!!!
Cracked me up!
Fishing nets
Ta-Da Shopping
Yep had chicken nuggets.
The other side of the Atlantic Ocean
Posted by SirMax at 9:56 PM 0 comments